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Images For Girls >>>> Rules for COOL LIFE

10 Rules for COOL LIFE :-

10 Rules for COOL LIFE :-

1. Money Is not EveryThing… There’s also Master Card and Visa.

2. One Should Love animals… They Are tasty too.

3. Save Water… Drink On the Rocks.

4. Fruits/Salads are healty… So leave it for Sick.

5. Books are Holy… So don’t touch them.

6. Don’t shout in the Class… It Disturbs those who are sleeping.

7. Love the Neighbor… But Don’t get Caught.

8. Hard Work never killed anyone but… Why take the chance.

9. Why do something today… When it can be done tomorrow by Someone else.

and Now Very Important rule …..

10. Every one should Marry because… happiness is not the only thing in Life.

Keep Smiling…
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